Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tell us who you're voting for and WIN!

Who are you voting for, and why?

Tell us on our survey by clicking on this link:

One lucky duck will be chosen at random to win a $25 Gift Certificate to the retailer of your choice!


Grace said...

i can't vote, but my husband will vote for Obama and Biden.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for McCain and Palin... I feel safer and more secure with McCain as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and I think Palin is absolutely fantastic! Talk about a great role model for our children! I used to be a democrat, but I fear for our country if Obama becomes president. He does not have the character or experience to lead the greatest nation in the world!

Anonymous said...

We are planning on voting for Obama and Biden. I don't think that people can afford to live in this country if McCain and Palin are voted into power, who could afford to. I have heard people complain about the price of gas and how much more groceries cost now, so why on earth would we want 4 more years of the same?!? (Considering that McCain votes like George Bush 90% of the time). I would like to see the money that is being sent to Iraq, used here to help people who have starving children and no homes. How on earth is Palin a good role model for our children? She shoots animals and did not teach her daughter about birth control! I don't think I want her as a role model for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

McCain/Palin all the way. For us, it boils down to the taxes... we are a double income family and work very very hard- we are in the bracket that would be impacted by Obama - we want to keep more of our money! I disagree with the comment on Palin not being a good role model- you can be the best parent in the world and teach about birth control to your children but sometimes, things happen. She is human just like the rest of us.