Monday, October 6, 2008

Detours and Onramps: Women & Work in Richmond

October 28th-Detours and Onramps is coming to Richmond! U of R, 8:30-3pm.

Detours & OnRamps, a forum supporting women on their quest for work-life balance, is coming to Richmond, sponsored by Momentum Resources. Register by 10/10 and receive $25 off the registration fee:

This is for women who:

--Have held professional jobs in a variety of industries including financial services, publishing, accounting, legal and and interested in returning to the same field with a family-friendly schedule.
--Are looking for career options other than those professions/careers for which they were trained or in which they advanced prior to motherhood.
--Are seeking flexibility for job sharing, flex time, or alternative career paths.
--Are well-educated and professionally trained; many with advanced degrees.
--Are interested in investing in their career and their future - not looking for a part-time job while at home for several months.

Phenomenal networking opportunities exist. Join us!

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