Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Know any "non-working" moms?

Would love your comments on this topic--per recent article! We're pretty sure all moms out there are working moms of some sort. Let's end the mommy wars! Share your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Your article is oh so true of all categories of Mom's-"working or stay at home". It is one of the hardest jobs that I have ever taken on, but also one of the most rewarding. You painted a very realistic picture in your blog of a day that we, as Moms, can all relate too. What a great description of a day in the life of a Mom. Loved the last sentence about Bryce asking you to snuggle. That makes it all worth while! bb

Anonymous said...

I totally agree...we ALL work! Whether we are working or staying at home with our kids, none of us Mamas have the perfect situation. Realizing this early on gave me such peace about going to back to work after having my daughter. Love the article! GF

Anonymous said...

amen, sister!

Anonymous said...

As a 5-day-a-week, working mom, I am one who is sometimes envious of those moms who stay at home and I probably have total misconceptions about a day in their lives. Your article put things into perspective for me. I recently had a conversation with a friend who stays at home with a 1 1/2 year old and also has help 3 days a week. Even with the help, she still complains about how challenging things are. I am realizing that all moms "work" and that the work is non-stop but all so worth it.