Thursday, December 11, 2008

"I love your site. I was reading the blog spot for funny/silly moments and thought I would share this one:

My daughter saw the Peter Pan movie on DVD and was fascinated with the scene where all the fairies are saved from fading away. Later that day, I walked past her room while she was in "quiet time" and heard her saying over and over "I do, I do, I do believe in fairies"!!

And just in case you might think she is an angel: Leslie was 2 and standing in line with her daddy at the store. He held up one of the strawberry candles he was buying and asked her what it smelled like. She said at the top of her lungs "it smells like poop"!!! Everybody in line started laughing. I still burn this candle and it does not smell like poop! However the cat box does, which is why I burn the candles;)"---Christina, Henrico

Got a funny one from your big kid or little one? Share 'em:

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